Voice acting
Voice range - medium-low to medium-high
Languages - Frisian, Dutch, English
Accents - Dutch / Frisian
Accent attempts - English and Russian
Ages - Teen, Young adult, middle aged
Not available for roles at the moment.
Limits - No sexual content, no hateful content (racism, gaybashing etc)
Okay with - Swearing, violence
Available for - Mods, machinima, games, animation, visual novels, audio projects
Not available for - lengthy fandubs, abridged series, projects that have no WIP material to show
Sofia, a follower mod for Skyrim
Created by djjohnjarvis
Trouble in the Tomb, I-clone 5 Animation
Created by René Jacobs
Misha, Interesting NPCs
Created by Kris Takahashi
Below you can find scenes from original projects I have done the mixing for.
Round 1, in the booth
Theme: scenes inspired by Kyle Hebert
Writer, Hideo and announcer: Jordan J. Scavone
Between two lands trailer
Cast: StepLively, Jananimefreak, Stanton Nichols